Mengatasi Printer Blinking


Posted by ronald | Posted on 01.46 | Posted in

Secara garis besar langkah me-reset C90 dan C110 sama, hanya beda pada merubah date saja.
I. Langkah-langkah me-reset Epson C90:

a. Pastikan printer sudah terhubung ke komputer, hidupkan printer.
b. Ekstrak resetter C90.
c. Masuk ke folder resetter_epson_c90. Jalankan reset.bat,

rubah date menjadi 10/07/2007.

d. Minimize command prompt reset.bat tersebut.
e. Jalankan “AdjProg.exe”.
f. Klik “Accept”.
g. Klik “Particular adjustment mode”.
h. Lalu pilih Waste Ink pad Counter àOK.
i. Klik tombol “Check”, tunggu sampai proses selesai.
j. Klik tombol “Initialization” kemudian klik “Finish”.
k. Matikan printer, lalu hidupkan kembali.
l. Setelah reset berhasil, kembali ke command prompt reset.bat. Kembalikan date seperti semula.
m. Untuk memastikan printer C90 sudah normal, lakukan test print.

II. Langkah-langkah me-reset Epson C110:
a. Pastikan printer sudah terhubung ke komputer, hidupkan printer.
b. Ekstrak resetter C110.
c. Masuk ke folder resetter_epson_c110. Jalankan reset.bat, rubah date menjadi 11/04/2008.

d. Minimize command prompt reset.bat tersebut.
e. Jalankan “AdjProg.exe”.
f. Klik “Accept”.
g. Klik “Particular adjustment mode”.
h. Lalu pilih Waste Ink pad Counter àOK.
i. Klik tombol “Check”, tunggu sampai proses selesai.
j. Klik tombol “Initialization” kemudian klik “Finish”.
k. Matikan printer, lalu hidupkan kembali.
l. Setelah reset berhasil, kembali ke command prompt reset.bat.

Kembalikan date seperti semula.
m. Untuk memastikan printer C110 sudah normal, lakukan test print.

Oke.. Semoga berhasil Bro ! Kalo masih bingung silahkan link disini

Yang doyan ngoprek-ngoprek printer bisa lihat disini ya atao disini

Cara Me-Reset Printer Epson
Untuk printer Epson seri dibawah ini:
- Epson Stylus Photo 1290
- Epson Stylus Color 1160
- Epson Stylus Photo R230
- Epson Stylus Photo R310
- Epson Stylus Photo R210
- Epson Stylus Color C87
- Epson Stylus Color C67
- Epson Stylus Color C65
- Epson Stylus Color C45

Ambil dari



Posted by ronald | Posted on 22.47 | Posted in

Buat yang ngak mau repot² liat font dengan meng klik satu² di folder font nya, ini ada nemu software buat liat font satu² tampa capek² klik satu². namanya Font Viewer.....
neh preview programnya :

Softwarenya bisa di dapatkan di SINI




Posted by ronald | Posted on 16.21 | Posted in

Mungkin sudah banyak yang tau produk yang satu ini. Produk keluaran Esia ini sudah dikenal bayak di kalangan masyarakat. Tapi disini saya tidak membahas tentang produk tersebut. Disini saya mau berbagi ilmu kepada rekan-rekan semuanya, bagaimana cara unlock HP tersebut agar bisa digunakan untuk Operator CDMA lainnya seperti Flexi, Fren, Star One DLL....

Melalui blog ini saya tegaskan lagi, saya cuma mau membagi ilmu, kerusakan dan segalamacam yang terjadi pada HP anda bukan tanggung jawab saya.

Pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah Membeli Kabel datanya atau bisa dibikin sendiri. Caranya seperti yang sudah saya berikan pada postingan sebelumnya. Disitu udah lengkap cara-caranya mulai dari awal sampai akhir.

Selanjutnya kalau anda sudah memiliki kabel datanya, hal yang harus dilalukan adalah download Software Diag nya DISINI. Langkah berikutnya periksa Versi HP esia anda. caranya pilih setting, phone terus pilih versi...disini file yang saya miliki cuma file versi 12 nov 07, 08 des 07, 22 des 07 dan 02 jan 08. ntar kalau ada file yang lain saya share lagi. Filenya bisa di dapatkan DISINI. Oya samapai lupa..file yang ini hanya untuk Esia Huawei seri C2801 saja.
Kalau belum tau cara unlock dan cara menggunakan softwarenya bisa download tutorialnya DISINI.

Buat yang memiliki seri C2601 versi NOVEMBER bisa coba yang INI. Saya belum pernah coba, karna nga ada HP yang bisa dijadikan bahan praktek..hehehehe....

Selamat mencoba....

NB: File download sudah di perbaharui dan akan expire 90 hari mulai hr ini




Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.55 | Posted in

Buat yang mau mengganti wallpaper, ringtone, sms tone atau mau unlock Esianya bisa menggunakan kabel data hasil modifikasi yang pastinya sudah saya coba dan 100% berhasil.
Semua software dan petunjuknya sudah ada di blog ini. Silahkan di search saja..

Ini adalah Paper yang saya temukan lewat googling. Silahkan di DOWNLOAD
Disitu sudah ada petunjuk dari awal dan samapi selesai. Petunjuknya lengkap dan sangat mudah dimengerti kok.

Untuk Driver cabel yang di gunakan adalah cabel Prolific. Drivernya bisa di download DISINI

Berikutnya Software pendukung untuk mengganti Wallpaper, ringtone, sms tone nya. Nama nya EasyCDMA bisa di download DISINI
Ini ada screenshot softwarenya

Selamat mencoba dan kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan silahkan tinggalkan Commentnya.


Cara Meningkatkan Rank Alexa Blog Kamu


Posted by ronald | Posted on 20.56 | Posted in

Ada banyak cara agar bisa meningkatkan rangking di Alexa , salah satunya adalah dengan cara memasang Widget Alexa Rank di blog anda. Hal ini dilakukan agar Alexa dapat dengan mudah mengindex blog kamu, dengan memasukkan widget ini berarti anda melakukan link secara langsung kepada Alexa.
Banyak yang belum mengetahui apa pentingnya rangking di Alexa, bahkan saya pun belum memahami betul. tapi salah satu alasan yang paling mendasar adalah setiap Blogger's akan selalu berusaha untuk selalu meningkatkan rangking dan bersaing untuk menjadi yang tertinggi.Nah pada artikel ini juga lah saya ingin berbagi tips dan mengajak kamu-kamu semua untuk meningkatkan "Alexa Rank lo".
Ok Kita mulai saja......
Ada beberapa point yang perlu kamu perhatikan :
  • Kamu harus Optimis bahwa Blog kamu akan terus meningkat rangkingnya

  • Selanjutnya kamu juga mesti setia dan selalu berusaha untuk mengajak orang lain ikut memasang dan menggunakan Widget Alexa diBlog mereka.

  • langkah yang ketiga adalah tambahkan widget Alexa di blog kamu dengan mengunjungi link berikut ini :

  • Pada langkah ini kamu mesti jeli melihatnya karena disitu ada "Site Info" dan "Trafik Rank". Karena kita mau memasang Widget Rank maka yang kita pilih adalah trafik rank.

  • Copy URL Blog kamu, contoh :, letakkan pada kotak "Trafik Rank Button" kemudian klik tombol "Build Widget".

  • Copy Paste code nya ( nb : tentukkan widget mana yang ingin kita tambahkan dengan melihat contoh gambarnya)

  • Balik ke Blog Kamu kemudian klik menu "Customisasi" lalu "Tata Letak"

  • Tambahkan Widget "HTML / Javascript code" pada menu "Elemen Halaman", Paste kan code yang tadi lalu diSave
Semoga berhasil ....

Make Windows XP Boot Faster - Top Tweaks


Posted by ronald | Posted on 18.17 | Posted in

Although you should expect to wait for a few seconds for Windows XP to boot, if you have had it running for a while or just installed a fresh install and it seems to boot rather slowly. Its time for you to apply some old tricks once again making your PC roar to life again. There are several tweaks that help Windows XP get the bootup speed you want.

This tutorial explores how to put these techniques to work.

1. Change the boot device list order
Most computers are set up so that when you first turn on your computer it will check to see if you want to boot from other drives besides your hard disk. It will automatically check the CD/DVD Drive for a bootable disk, or a floppy disk (which we dont really use as much if any), some may have it to check boot from LAN or USB Stick. If all you want is for your primary hard disk to boot up Windows, make it so in the BIOS first.

The main benefit here is by placing your primary hard disk first as the startup device boot the system does not have to waste time

checking other devices for boot records. By doing this you can shave several seconds off of your boot time.2.Lower the OS Timeout Values

If you have the Microsoft OS Selector that the Microsoft installer configures during installation of another operating system or upgrade. By default, the OS Selector gives you 30 seconds to select an operating system before it reverts to the default operating system. The only way not to wait 30 seconds is to select the operating system you want to use right away. If you use one operating system the majority of your time, you would definitely save

time if you set that operating system as the default and lowered the timeout value to 1 or 2 seconds. That way, you would not have to select an operating system every time you turned on your system or wait 30 seconds before doing so.

With Windows changing the timeout value is simple if the operating system that you use primarily is already the default. If it is, just follow these directions:

From the Start menu, select Run and type MSCONFIG and press OK. This will load the System Configuration utility.

Once the System Configuration utility has loaded, click on the tab labeled BOOT.INI

Locate the Timeout text box and replace 30 seconds with 1 or 2 seconds—or any number that gives you enough time to select the other operating systems on your system. The amount of time that you select to be your timeout value is not the amount of time that you have to select the operating system. Rather, it is the amount of time that you have to hit any key and then select the operating system. So don't be afraid of setting this timeout value too low.

Once you have made the change, click the OK button, and you are finished. Repeat these steps if you find the value you entered is too fast for example.

3. Disable your Windows boot logo screen

The process for disabling the system boot screen is similar to the process for modifying the default operating system in the boot file. If you do not have any other operating systems installed on your system, then you will have to create your own boot.ini file to place in your drive root (that is, the c:\ drive).

The boot.ini file that disables the boot screen looks similar like the following for windows XP:

[boot loader]
default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /noguiboot

The above boot.ini file is all pretty much standard except for the adition of the /noguiboot to the last line of the file. That is the parameter that tells Windows to start up without using the graphical user interface boot screen. To get started, open up a copy of Notepad found in the Accessories menu of the All Programs entry in the Start Menu and follow the steps below:

  1. On the first line of the file, type in [boot loader].
  2. On line 2 of the file, key in timeout=0 so Windows does not show the boot selection screen at all. You don't want this anyways since you only have one operating system installed on your computer.
  3. On line 3 of the file, type in default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS so that Windows knows where to look on your hard drive to start the operating system.
  4. On line 4, type in [operating systems].
  5. On line 5, type in multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /noguiboot to start up Windows with the /noguiboot parameter to disable the boot screen.
  6. Click on the File menu bar item and select Save As.
  7. Type in Boot.ini in the File name box and change the Save as type to All Files.
  8. Then, change the Save in directory to your drive root, which is usually Local Disk (C:).
  9. Hit the save button and you are now finished.

4. Remove unused Fonts

Only a handful of your installed fonts are most likely used on a regular basis. Windows uses the Tahoma, Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet, and MS Sans Serif fonts. All of the other fonts are installed for secondary use or by your other applications as optional.

To remove the unused fonts, first my a copy/backup of those extra fonts, then follow these steps:

  1. Open up My Computer through the icon in your Start panel or from the icon on your Desktop. Navigate to the C: drive or whatever drive on which you have Windows installed.
  2. Next, navigate to the C:\Windows folder (or C:\WINNT folder for some). If along the way you are prompted with a screen telling you that "this folder contains file that keep your system working properly; you should not modify its contents," ignore this message and click the text that says "show the contents of this folder."
  3. Now that you are inside the Windows root folder, create a folder to store the fonts that you are going to remove from the fonts folder. Right-click on the white space that lists the folder and files and select New and then select Folder. Call your folder Fonts Backup or something similar, so that you will be able to identify that this is the place that your old fonts are.
  4. Once you have created the new folder, open it.
  5. Next, go back to the My Computer icon in your Start panel or Desktop and open another window. Navigate to the drive you have Windows installed on and then navigate to the windows folder. Once you are inside the Windows folder, navigate to the Fonts folder.
  6. Now that you have both the Fonts folder open and your backup folder open

  7. Now that the two font folders are side by side, to remove a font from the system, all you have to do is click on the icon in the Fonts folder that you do not want installed any more, and drag the icon over to the backup folder. This will automatically uninstall the font and will copy it to your backup folder.

In the event that you was to reinstall a font, all you have to do is drag the font file from the backup folder back to the Fonts folder.

When you remove fonts from your computer you will no longer be able to use them in any software application, including Microsoft Word and Excel.

5. Defragment your drives.

Keep the hard drive tidy. Run Disk Cleanup (Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Disk Cleanup) and Disk Defragmenter (same location) at least once each month. Defragging a large drive can take a few hours, so you might start the process at the end of your day and let the computer defrag itself while you sleep. You can also free up 10 Gigs of space in Windows easily. Watch my video tutorial here that shows you step by step.

6. Reduce the Overhead

You can get rid of all kinds of programs that run in the background that you may not need. The easiest way to do this is with the System Configuration Utility, otherwise known as Msconfig. Launch it by clicking the Start button and then Run, typing MSCONFIG into the text box, and hitting Enter.

Click on the Startup tab and look at the contents. This is a list of things that start when the computer boots up. All of these little goodies run in the background, eating up memory and resources and slowing your system down.

Uncheck those in the list that are not required such as itunes, quicktime, autoupdate features, and so on, reboot and see if any of your programs or hardware devices lose functionality. If they do, run the System Configuration Utility again and recheck entries that you suspect to be the programs your system needs, rebooting between each attempt until you narrow it down. Leave everything that doesn't affect normal use of your system unchecked. This will speed the Windows boot process and clear up system resources.

Repost from :

Add Yahoo! Messenger to Blog


Posted by ronald | Posted on 17.17 | Posted in

Do you know what is Yahoo! messenger? I sure you is surely knew it. Yahoo! messenger is one of service very popular in the world. Then what his relation with blog? some blogger wish to be in his blog attached yahoo ! messenger icon , hence if him online in yahoo! messenger can in knowing by his blog visitor and also can easy to in contacting for chatting. If you ask to me, can yahoo! messenger icon add at blog? the answer is can,

and not only that, we can choose icon what is will add. The choice is differentiated in 10 choice, you remain to choose style ID which which is compatible according to your :

This is the style ID of yahoo! messenger icon :

Yahoo! messenger icon

Allright, to placed the yahoo! messenger icon just place this code at your sidebar :

For example. If your yahoo ID is, your ID is balakasadut24, So the code for yahoo! messenger icon with choice Style ID 9 is as follows :

Now, how to place the code to your blog. Follow the teps :
  1. Login to blogger with your ID.
  2. After entering the dasboard page , click Layout. Please saw the picture :
  3. layout

  4. Click at Page Element tab. See the picture below :
  5. page element

  6. Click at Add a Page element.
  7. After emerging pop up window , click add to blog button for the things HTML/JavaScript. See the picture following :
  8. javascript

  9. Copy and paste the code below into available column :

  10. Change YOURID with your yahoo ID and StyleID with number of your choice.

  11. Click save changes

  12. Finish. Please see the result.

If you still comfused with step above, i have the easy way to do this. Just click the button below, login to your blog and the code will add to your blog automatically, please Change YOURID with your yahoo ID and StyleID with number of your choice:

Boot Windows XP from a USB flash drive


Posted by ronald | Posted on 16.53 | Posted in

Takeaway: You can't boot Windows XP from a floppy disk the way you used to be able to with DOS. One handy way to easily boot XP is by using a USB flash drive. Here's how to make it work.

Almost everyone who has worked with computers for any length of time at all has run into at least one situation in which a problem left a PC unbootable. What if you could return the machine to a bootable state just by inserting a USB flash drive though? Believe it or not, it is actually possible to install a bootable copy of Windows XP onto a flash drive and then boot a PC off of the flash drive. From there, you can use applications that you have installed on the flash drive (anti virus, anti spyware, disk repair, etc.) to fix the PC's problem. In this article, I will show you how.

What's the catch?

As with most cool new techniques, there are a few catches. For starters, not every PC is capable of booting from a USB flash drive. For the most part, computers manufactured within the last two years are generally able to boot from a flash drive. Older systems may require a BIOS update, or might not be able to boot from a flash drive at all.

Another catch is that not every flash drive will get the job done. The primary factors that limit your use of a particular flash drive are capacity and speed. Technically, speed isn't really a limiting factor, but booting Windows will be painfully slow unless you use a flash drive that supports USB 2.0.

The flash drive's capacity is actually a limiting factor though. Surprisingly though, there are size limits on both the upper and lower end. Your flash drive can't be too large or too small. There isn't really a documented minimal size for a flash drive. You just need something large enough to hold Windows XP and a few applications. As you probably know, Windows XP normally consumes over a gigabyte of disk space. Later I will show you how to use a free utility to trim the excess fat off of Windows XP and make it a whole lot smaller. Even so, I still recommend that your flash drive be at least a minimum of 256 MB in size.

As I mentioned, there is a maximum size for the USB flash drive that you can use. Currently, USB flash drives exist in sizes of up to 4 GB, and 8 GB flash drives are expected to be available by the end of the year. As nice as it would be to have 8 GB to play with, the flash drive that you use for this project can be no larger than 2 GB. The reason for this is because you will have to format the flash drive using the FAT-16 file system, which has a 2 GB limit. Presently, you are stuck using FAT-16 because most computers will not recognize a flash drive as being bootable if the drive is formatted with anything other than FAT-16.

Preparing your Windows installation CD

One of the requirements for creating our bootable USB flash drive is a Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installation CD. If your Windows XP installation CD doesn't already include Service Pack 2, then you will have to make a CD that includes Service Pack 2 through a technique called slipstreaming.

Other requirements

In addition to your Windows XP installation CD, there are a couple of other things that you are going to need. For starters, you will need the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. You can download this tool for free.

Another utility that you are going to need is Bart's Preinstalled Environment Bootable Live Windows CD / DVD, or BartPE for short. You can download this utility for free from the BartPE Web site.

In addition to the software requirements, you must verify that the PC that you will be using to create the Windows deployment has 1.5 GB of free hard disk space (minimum) and supports booting from a USB device. I also strongly recommend that the PC be running Windows XP Service Pack 2. Prior to Service Pack 2, Windows XP sometimes had trouble interacting with USB storage devices.

Formatting the flash drive

Now that you have all of the prerequisites taken care of, it's time to actually start setting up our flash drive. The first step in doing so, as strange as it sounds, is to format the flash drive. Windows will actually let you format a flash drive in the same way that you format a floppy disk. However, formatting a flash drive in this way will not work for this project. Furthermore, using Windows to format a flash drive directly has been known to destroy some types of flash drives.

Instead, you must format the flash drive by using the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool that you downloaded earlier. To do so, simply open the utility, select the device followed by the FAT file system option and click Start.

Once the device has been formatted, you must make it bootable. To do so, you must copy the BOOT.INI, NTLDR, and NTDETECT from the root directory of your PC's boot drive to the flash drive. These files are hidden by default, so you will either have to configure Windows Explorer to show hidden files (including protected operating system files) or you will have to open a Command Prompt window and use the COPY command to copy the files.

If you choose to use the Windows Explorer method, then open Internet Explorer and enter C: into the address bar so that you are looking at your local hard drive. Next, select the Folder Options command from the Tools menu. When the Folder Options properties sheet opens, select the View tab. Now, just select the Show Hidden Files and Folders and deselect the Hide Extensions for Known File Types and the Hide Protected Operating System Files check boxes. Click OK to continue.

Booting from the USB flash drive

Now that you have formatted your USB flash drive and installed the boot files onto it, the next thing that you must do is to configure your PC to allow you to boot from the flash drive. This is all done through the computer's BIOS Setup. I can't give you specific instructions for this part, because every computer is different. I can give you a few pointers though.

You can access your computer's BIOS by pressing a specific key immediately after you turn the PC on. The key varies, but it is usually either [F1], [F2], or [Delete]. Once you are in the BIOS Setup, you should verify that all of your computer's USB options are enabled. This might include things like support for legacy USB devices or support for USB 2.0. If there is a time out setting for USB devices, you should set it to the max to insure that the system doesn't time out while waiting on the USB device to boot.

Next, find the section on boot device priority. Normally, a USB flash drive (which is usually listed as USB-HDD, but may be listed as a removable device) will have a very low boot priority. If the USB flash drive's boot priority is lower than the hard disk (listed as HDD) then the only time the computer would ever boot off of the USB flash drive is if the system were to fail to boot from the hard disk. You must therefore rearrange the boot device priority so that the flash drive has a higher priority than the hard drive.

Configuring Windows

Now that we have finally made it through all of the prep work, it's time to start setting up Windows. As you have probably already guessed, the process of installing Windows to a flash drive is quite a bit different from your normal, run of the mill installation. There are a couple of reasons for this.

For starters, a full blown Windows XP deployment takes up over a Gigabyte of hard disk space. When you are installing to a flash drive, disk space is a scarce commodity. Even if you have over a Gigabyte of space on your flash drive, you probably don't want to use it all on Windows. It would be nice to have room to install a few applications. Therefore, you need to trim the excess fat off of Windows.

The other reason why the installation process is so different from the usual Windows installation is because Windows Setup is not designed to install Windows to a flash drive. You therefore have to configure Windows using an alternate method.

The PEBuilder utility that you downloaded earlier can take care of both of these issues. PEBuilder is designed to create a build of Windows XP (or Windows Server 2003) that does not take up as much space as a full blown installation. Once you create this new build, you can copy it to the flash drive. For right now, I will show you how to create a basic Windows build and copy it to the memory stick. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to install applications once Windows is up and running. Therefore, after I show you how to create a basic Windows build, I will show you how to create a build that includes some applications.

Begin the process by opening PEBuilder. When you open PEBuilder, you will see a screen similar to the one that's shown in Figure A. Simply enter the path to the Windows installation files (the ones from your Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installation CD). Next, verify that the Create ISO Image and the Burn to CD check boxes are not selected and then click the Build button. PEBuilder will now create the new Windows build.

Figure A

You must use PEBuilder to create a Windows build that will work with a flash drive.

Now, it's time to copy Windows to the flash drive. To do so, you will have to use a special batch file that's included with PEBuilder. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to c:\pebuilder313\plugin\peinst. Now, insert an empty flash drive into the computer's USB port and then execute the file PEINST.CMD. You will now see a menu appear as shown in Figure B.

Figure B

PEBuilder uses a batch file to install Windows onto a flash drive.

Type 1 and press [Enter] and you will be prompted to enter the path to the build that you have created. Enter C:\pebuilder313\BartPE. Now, type 2, press [Enter], and you will be prompted for the target path. Enter the drive letter that Windows has assigned to your USB flash drive. After doing so, the menu is updated as shown in Figure C. The menu now displays the source path and the destination drive. Type 5 and press [Enter] to install Windows to the flash drive.

Figure C
Use menu option 5 to install Windows to the flash drive.

Installing applications

Now that I have shown you how to create and install a basic Windows build, I want to talk for a moment about how you can add an application to the build (prior to creating it). The PEBuilder program comes pre-configured to support a number of common Windows applications, but does not come with the applications themselves.

The reason why installing applications can be a little bit tricky is because most Windows applications modify the Windows registry. The build that you are creating is basically a collection of installation files, and the build itself does not contain a registry (the registry gets created when Windows is installed onto the flash drive). As such, PEBuilder uses a sort of registry emulator.

If you go to the C:\PEBUILDER313\PLUGIN folder, you will see sub folders for a number of different applications. If you open one of these application folders, you will see that the folder contains an INF file and a FILES folder. The INF file contains all of the information that would normally go into the registry, and the FILES folder stores all of the program's files.

To see how this works, let's install an application that I'm sure most of you are familiar with; Nero. Begin by installing Nero onto the machine that's running PEBuilder, as if you planned to run Nero locally on that machine. When the installation completes, copy all of the files from C:\Program Files\ahead\Nero to C:\pebuilder313\plugin\nero burning rom\files. In this particular case, the nero burning rom folder is the folder that has been set aside for the Nero application. The Files sub folder is intended to store Nero's system files.

Now, you must take care of Nero's registry entries. To do so, go to the C:\pebuilder313\plugin\nero burning rom folder and open the PENERO.INF file using Notepad. As I explained earlier, the INF file in an application's folder is used to store the application's registry entries. For Nero and all of the other applications that PEBuilder predefines, the INF file is pre-configured. You just have to make a few changes that are specific to your system.

In this particular case, the PENERO.INF file is designed to support both Nero versions 5.x and 6.x. Initially, the lines for both versions are commented out. You must therefore determine which version you have and then remove the semi colon from the beginning of the lines that apply to that version. If you look at Figure D, you can see how the two versions are separated.

Figure D

An application's registry entries are stored in an INF file.

Once you uncomment the appropriate lines, just replace "Your Name", "Your Company Name" and "Your Serial Number" with your name, your company's name, and your Nero product key. Save the file, and your set to go. The next time that you click the Build button, Nero will be included in the build.

Putting XP in your pocket

Running Windows from a flash drive isn't an exact science. Sometimes the process just doesn't work and there is no good reason why. As more PCs start to support booting from USB devices though, USB boots should become more standardized, and the technique should become more reliable.

From :



Posted by ronald | Posted on 16.22 | Posted in

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Posted by ronald | Posted on 03.15 | Posted in

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Tools Memperbaiki Flash Disk yang Bermasalah


Posted by ronald | Posted on 02.41 | Posted in

Awalnya googling mau cari cara memperbaiki Memory HP yang nga taunya ketemu Cara memperbaiki flashdisk yang rusak.......Belum sempat nyobain seh, tapi bagi yang mau nyobain tools nya ini saya kasih link nya.

1. HP Drive Key Boot Utility

  1. Download HP Drive Key Boot Utility file nya sebesar 45 Mb. Bisa digunakan untuk Flash Disk yang bukan keluaran HP juga.
  2. Install software nya
  3. Masukkan flashdisk yang bermasalah ke port USB
  4. Jalankan software dan pilihlah drive tempat flash disk anda.
  5. Pilih Creae New or Replace Existing Configuration
2. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
  1. Download HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool file sebesar 1.8 MB
  2. Instal softwarenya
  3. Masukkan flashdisk
  4. Jalankan sofwarenya seperti dibawah ini

Semoga bisa membantu......


Driver Prolific dan Driver Motorolla L6


Posted by ronald | Posted on 01.41 | Posted in

Kalau ada yang butuh driver Prolific dan Driver Motorolla L6 silahkan download di bawah ini

Driver Prolific ==========> KLIK DISINI BUAT DOWNLOAD

Driver Motorolla L6 ======> KLIK DISINI BUAT DOWNLOAD

Driver² yang lain menyusul.....


Cool Record Edit Deluxe v7.3.1


Posted by ronald | Posted on 01.28 | Posted in

Ini software buat edit musik yang paling saya sukai. Pemakaiannya yang gampang dan tools nya yang komplit. Ini preview nya..

Supported conversions include the following:
• WAV to MP3
• MP3 to WAV
• WAV/MP3 to WMA
• WMA to WAV/MP3
• OGG to WAV/MP3
• WAV/MP3 to OGG
• WAV Compression
• MP3 Compression

Kalau mau download klik link dibawah ini





Posted by ronald | Posted on 01.06 | Posted in

Ini software untuk trasnfer file dari HP ke PC dan sebaliknya.
berikut screenshootnya...

diantararnya hp yang mendunkung seperti Nokia 1680 classic dan hp yang tidak memakai memory card lainnya, bisa juga untuk HP sony ericsson, Samsung dan Motorolla...
Untuk download silahkan klik link dibawah ini

kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan silahkan tinggalkan comment anda.

Semoga bermamfaat..