Memperbaiki Motherboard yang Rusak (Gejalanya)


Posted by ronald | Posted on 17.42 | Posted in

Papan induk (motherboard) adalah papan sirkuit tempat berbagai komponen elektronik saling terhubung seperti microprocessor dan memory (RAM, ROM, BIOS) beserta chip kontroler lainnya dan biasa disingkat dengan kata mobo.
Oke Langsung aza ya! gejala dan cara mengatasi motherboard yang rusak :
Mati Total
Periksa power supply: Dalam keadaan kabel power di lepas dari power supply, lepaskan socket kabel Atx1 yang terpasang pada Mainboard. Setelah terlepas, pasangkan kembali kabel power, sambungkan/shortkan kabel berwarna hijau dengan kabel berwarna hitam, periksa apakah kipas di power supply berputar? Kalau berputar berarti power supply bagus. Lepas kembali kabel sambungan tadi dan pasang kembali kabel Atx1 ke motherboard.
Periksa Jumper Clear CMOS, apakah di posisi Clear atau Free, biasanya kalau motherboard baru, posisi jumper CMOS ada pada posisi Clear.
Periksa IC Chipset dalam keadaan tersambung dan di Switch On, apakah panasnya berlebih atau tidak, over heat berarti Chipset tersebut sudah rusak. Untuk part IC CMOS sampai saat ini tidak dijual bebas.
Periksa juga apakah switch on nya berfungsi.
Bongkar Motherboard tersebut secara hati-hati, coba anda bersihkan pakai tiner, kalau bisa gunakan tiner botol jangan yang di kaleng. Setelah bersih anda keringkan.
Ganti IC regulator yang terletak disekitar soket Power Atx di motherboard.
Ganti Elko yang kapasitasnya 1000 s/d 3300 uf / 10 Volt yang terletak disekitar soket power Atx di motherboard. Hati-hati untuk bongkar pasang komponen pastikan kabel power jangan tersambung ke listrik.
Nyala Tapi Tidak Tampil
Coba anda perhatikan dan dengarkan apakah ada bunyi atau suara bip. Kalau ada, kerusakan biasanya ada di processor, memory dan VGA.
Periksa Processor, coba anda pegang pendinginnya apakah panasnya berlebih atau dingin? Kalau panas berlebih berarti kipas processor tidak bekerja dengan baik maka anda ganti, tapi kalau dingin berarti processor tidak bekerja alias rusak.
Periksa memory, biasanya kalau memory rusak terdengar suara bip pada speaker sebanyak 3 kali. Dalam keadaan mati, cabut memory bersihkan pinnya menggunakan penghapus pensil sampai bersih, kemudian pasang kembali. Kalau masih rusak berarti ada salah satu IC nya yang rusak.
Periksa VGA Card, cabut VGA Card, dalam keadaan mati / off coba anda tekan, ada kemungkinan kurang masuk atau coba anda bersihkan kaki / pin nya. Jika VGA card menggunakan kipas, bersihkan kipas tersebut.
Kalau masih tidak tampil coba anda periksa jangan-jangan monitornya yang tidak nyala, untuk memastikannya yang rusak monitor atau CPU, coba anda tekan tuts Numlock pada keyboard, apakah lampu Numlock-nya nyala atau tidak. Kalau nyala berarti kerusakan pada CPU.
Yang menjadi standar saya kalau memperbaiki Komputer, saya selalu membersihkannya dari debu, apakah itu motherboard, memory, cdrom, floppy disk, dll, karena hal tersebut sangat berpengaruh apa lagi kalau komputernya dalam keadaan kotor / lama tidak dibersihkan. Tapi anda harus hati-hati dalam pengerjaannya dan jangan terburu-buru.

Hang Dan Sering Mati / Merestart (Reset) Sendiri
Periksa Power Supply, coba pakai power supply yang lain apakah masih me-restart sendiri atau hang. Kalau setelah diganti power supply ternyata normal/ bagus, berarti power supply ada masalah. Ganti saja karena kalaupun bisa diperbaiki saya sendiri kurang yakin apakah masih bisa berfungsi dengan baik, karena power supply merupakan komponen yang sangat vital. Apalagi untuk saat ini harga power supply sanggat murah, saya sarankan ganti saja.
Periksa apakah ada virusnya, program anti virus harus selalu terpasang dan aktifkan auto protect nya. Saya biasa memakai Norton Anti virus. Anda harus sering meng-update antivirus anda karena bila ada virus varian baru, anti virus anda akan mendetect sekaligus menghilangkan virusnya.
Pada saat hang dan ada pesan blue screen seperti “eror vxd at address…”, biasanya ada masalah di memory. Bersihkan memory tersebut seperti langkah diatas.
Coba anda install ulang Windows.
Kalau masih hang / me-restart sendiri coba anda periksa di motherboard, anda perhatikan perubahan fisik komponen terutama elko/kapasitor, yang bentuknya bulat hitam ada tulisan kapasitasnya antara 1000 uf/10Volt s/d 3300 uf/10 volt, biasanya terlihat, kalau yang rusak terlihat kembung / bengkak dan mengeluarkan cairan atau karat.
CMOS Checksum Failure (Baterai Low)
Gejala kerusakan & Solusinya :
Muncul pesan CMOS failure (Kerusakan pada baterai CMOS, ganti baterai tersebut)
Seting tanggal, time dan konfigurasi lain di BIOS berubah (Setelah baterai diganti, lakukan setting ulang pada BIOS).

Sumber :

Bagaimana Kalau di Toilet Umum ada gMbar seperti ini


Posted by ronald | Posted on 22.18 | Posted in

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Manfaatkan Barang Bekasmu


Posted by ronald | Posted on 22.16 | Posted in

Punya PC yang sudah usang ? sebenarnya dengan sedikit kreatifitas PC usang tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan. Mungkin gambar dibawah bisa sedikit memberi ide.

visit for more pic

Nokia Jadul Diburu Orang karena Bisa Membobol Bank


Posted by ronald | Posted on 21.05 | Posted in

TEMPO Interaktif, Helsinki: Ini mungkin hanya sekali dalam sejarah. Nokia jadul tipe 1100 dijual di sebuah forum online seharga US$ 32.413 (sekitar Rp 353 juta). Ponsel ini bukan ponsel Nokia biasa. Peranti ini dibuat di pabrik lama Nokia di Bochum, Jerman. Konon ponsel ini telah dimodifikasi oleh hacker sehingga mereka bisa membobol layanan transfer online. Demikian laporan yang dilansir perusahaan Belanda Ultascan Advanced Global Investigations.

Nokia mengatakan mereka tak peduli dengan harga ponsel yang dijual kembali dengan harga melambung. Ponsel ini sendiri diproduksi pada 2003 dan dulu saat baru dijual dengan harga di bawah sejuta rupiah.

"Kami tak mengidentifikasi adanya masalah dalam software ponsle kami terkait kasus itu," demikian tulis siaran pers Nokia baru-baru ini.

Nokia 1100 telah dapat diprogram sehingga bisa dipakai untuk menelepon dengan menggunakan nomor orang lain serta menerima pesan pendek. Kemampuan inilah yang dieksploitasi oleh para hacker untuk membobol bank.

Di negara seperti Jerman, biasanya bank mengirimkan sebuah mTAN (Mobile Transaction Autentification Number atau pesan nomor otentifikasi) ke ponsel. Nomor inilah yang digunakan sebagai kata sandi untuk masuk ke situs bank. Orang yang hendak mentransfer uang menggunakan nomor ini. Nomor mTAN ini biasanya hanya digunakan sekali.

Para pembobol bank memanfaatkan kemampuan Nokia 1110 yang bisa "membajak" pesan pendek orang lain untuk membobol bank. Namun, Nokia mengaku tak tahu menahu soal ini. Setiap ponsel, katanya, telah memiliki mekanisme pengamanan hanya bisa menggunakan nomor SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) Card tertentu. Mekanisme pengamanan ini terpisah dari ponsel.

Nokia menambahkan, meman ada layanan dari operator yang bisa menyembunyikan nomor SIM Card atau mengalihkan panggilan. Biasanya itu dilakukan dengan menggunakan server proxy, server yang membajak hubungan antara penerima dan pengirim.

"Cara ini memungkinkan satu nomor SIM Card "dibajak" oleh beberapa ponsel," kata Sean Sullivan, konsultan keamanan dari F-Security, perusahaan asal Finlandia, seperti dikutip IDG News Service. "Nokia 1110 dapat dimodifikasi untuk membajak panggilan atau pesan pendek," katanya.

Detail bagaimana modifikasi Nokia 1110 itu yang sampai sekarang belum diketahui, tutur Frank Engelsman dari Ultrascan. Seorang perempuan asal Finlandia setelah membaca artikel ini mengirimkan ponsel lamanya untuk diuji. Namun, belum diketahui hasilnya.

Sementara itu, sebuah situs asal Belanda menulis bahwa ada yang mencoba membuat iklan palsu dengan melelang ponsel Nokia 1110 dengan harga fantastis dan banyak orang yang tertarik ingin membelinya.

Nokia telah memproduksi 200 juta ponsel untuk jenis 1100. Mereka tak tahu berapa banyak ponsel jenis ini yang diproduksi di Bochum, Jerman.

Sumber :

Pearl Mountain Soft Picture Collage Maker Pro


Posted by ronald | Posted on 21.46 | Posted in

Looking for all-in-one photo collage software that's fast and easy? Look no further. Picture Collage Maker is a fun and easy to use program for creating photo collages and digital scrapbooks from your digital photos to share with friends and family-whether you're just starting out or have been collaging for years. You can also create your calendar, greeting card, invitation card,poster, and any photo-related artwork that you can imagine! Whether you see collaging as a relaxing pastime or a way of life, Picture Collage Maker can improve your efficiency, save you money and help you transform your priceless photos into precious memories.

Picture Collage Maker, a simple-to-use Windows program that turns ordinary photos and pictures into stunning keepsakes to share with family and friends. With just a few clicks, you can create collages, scrapbooks, posters, invitations, calendars, and greeting cards. Unlike photography software that takes days to master, Picture Collage Maker lets both seasoned collagers and new hobbyists become productive in minutes. Whether you're a mom who wants to create photo collages to share with the family, a business person who wants to create professional calendars that customers will use every day, or a student who wants a way to present homework that will impress your teachers, Picture Collage Maker lets you transform your special pictures into precious memories.

Key features
» Extremely easy to use
» Create Collages
» Photo Collage Wizard
» Real-Time Editing
» Support JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WMF, TGA, PNG etc
» Use either preset templates or create your own page layouts
» Frames and Boarders - Included
» Backgrounds - Included
» Clip Art - Included
» Photo Masks - Included
» Layers
» On Screen Text Entry
» Don't leech from
» Editable Text
» Move,Rotate, Resize, Flip Images
» Photo Cropping
» Move Frames
» Delete Frames
» Stretch Frame to Fit Page
» Page Orientation - Landscape
» Page Orientation - Portrait
» Filters and Photo Effects
» Light & Color Management
» Multiple Undos
» Send Photo via Email
» Print images
» Save Collage as Single Picture
» Set as Wallpaper


Cisco Network Magic Pro 5.1.8354.0 @IIX


Posted by ronald | Posted on 21.44 | Posted in

With Network Magic Pro 5.0, you can skip the tech support phone calls, online forums and expensive on-site consultants. Network Magic Pro provides do-it-yourself tools to help you set up, manage and secure your network like an IT professional.

With point-and-click ease, you can:
* Connect your devices together in minutes
* Share Internet connections, printers and files
* Protect your network with enhanced WPA security capabilities and status alerts
* Repair your network and Internet connections to stay online and productive
* Control access to the Internet and track online activity with remote desktop screenshots

- Easy to Use- No IT Expertise Needed
- Perform tasks from centralized location
- Connect to the network
- Add a Device
- Wireless Connection Manager
- NAS Support
- Share Folders & Printers
- New Security Enhancements(encryption support for WPA)
- Monitor and Control - New Parental Monitoring
- Network Reports - Web sites visited, software application used, and devices added or removed
- Manage and Troubleshoot
- Internet Speed Test
- Health and Security Alerts - Proactively monitors network's activity and health
- Internet Connection Repair
- Create a seamless network across Windows, XP, Vista and Mac

System Requirements:
* Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® Vista (all editions including 64-bit editions), Windows XP (all versions with SP1 or later, including x64 edition), Windows 2000 Pro (SP3 or later)
* Processor: Intel® Pentium® III or equivalent
* Memory: 256 megabytes (MB) RAM for Windows 2000 and XP; 512 megabytes (MB) RAM for Windows Vista
* Network adapter: wired (Ethernet) or wireless, with Internet connection (router, gateway)
* Disk space: 100 megabytes (MB)
* Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later

Download HERE



Posted by ronald | Posted on 21.42 | Posted in

PDF Unlocker Software to Unlock Restricted PDF Files Unlock PDF Restrictions with PDF Unlocker Tool Need to Unlock PDF for Editing, Copying, Printing & Extracting?Try & Get SysTools PDF Unlocker software to remove PDF restrictions by unlocking PDF files !You downloaded one e-book and found that you cannot add text, copy text, print the document even you cannot extract text, graphics, notes, Acroforms from the downloaded PDF document.Do not panic now there is actually a solution to remove PDF document restrictions easily.PDF Unlocker is a pdf restriction removal tool to remove restrictions added to PDF files.Software unlock PDF file & remove restriction for editing, copying, printing and extracting.PDF restrictions removal tool removes restriction in just one click.Software creates new decrypted PDF file which can be opened in any PDF viewer without any restrictions i.e. you can edit, copy, print, extract the PDF file.

The standard security provided by PDF is of two different methods and two different passwords.
A PDF document can be protected by password for opening, this password is known as “User” Password and the document can be protected using “Owner” Password to specify operations that should be restricted for printing; copying text and graphics out of the document; modifying the document; and adding or modifying text notes.

Download Here: (1,48MB)

Wedding Album Maker Gold 2.96 @IIX


Posted by ronald | Posted on 21.40 | Posted in

Create amazing DVD, VCD slideshows from your wedding photos, music - and burn them directly to a DVD or CD disc. Your family and friends can play your wedding slideshow discs on their TV with a DVD player, or on their computer. With Wedding Album Maker, you'll create personalized discs that are as easy to use as an ordinary DVD. With more than 260 transition effects, you can easily share your love story and excitement of your wedding day with your friends and family.
With a few minutes of work, you'll have an eye-catching slide show that will run on nearly any DVD players. Wedding Album Maker supports over 260 amazing transition effects with Pan&Zoom effect. It also supports Art-clips for each photo slide which adds amazing special effects for your wedding slideshow.
Amazing easy-to-use software helps you make wedding photo album and make photo video DVD disc playable on TV with DVD player.

If you are like most people these days, you've got thousands of digital photos stored on your PC and Flash cards. Wouldn't it be nice if you could easily create a cool slide show and view it on your TV with family and friends.

Using this simple tool you can create multiple photo album collections, add transitions between your photos, add background music, and burn CD or DVD photo video discs playable on TV.

It's one of the most special days in your life. But the time leading up to it can be one of the most stressful. Now, you can enjoy your wedding photos on TV in your living room with your friends, family. You can share your memorable moments by sending your wedding DVD discs to your friends, family who cannot attend your wedding.

After all family comes first !

Platform: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP ,Vista

Download HERE

Hotkey Sound Recorder v2.80 - Download


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.11 | Posted in

Hotkey Sound Recorder v2.80 - Download

Hotkey Sound Recorder is a powerful sound recording software. Besides normal recording functions, it allows you to record sound by pressing hotkey or by clicking the system tray icon. It also allows you to use hotkey to turn sound up/down or turn sound on/off.

With Hotkey Sound Recorder, what you hear is what you get! You can record streaming audio, line-in input, microphone input, sound of games or music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, etc. It is able to save recorded sound as MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV or VOX file. It supports MP3 ID3-tag and VBR. Hotkey Sound Recorder also provides built-in file manager to help you play, rename, delete recorded sound files and allows you to edit MP3 ID3 tag. It is also able to convert audio file between MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV and VOX formats.


MP3 (MPEG 1/2 Layer 3, including VBR)
WMA (Windows Media Audio)
Ogg Vorbis (ver 1.0)
Uncompressed WAV PCM
VOX (Dialogic ADPCM)
Minimum requirements:
1) Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003.
2) About 8 Meg of disk space.
3) Sound card.


Pass Rar :

WinRar 4.65 2008 Full Version


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.10 | Posted in

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.
WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well. WinRAR is also ideal, if you are sending data through the web. Its 128 bit password encryption and its authenticated signature technology will give you the peace of mind you have been looking for.

WinRAR supports the following formats :

DOWNLOAD : WinRar 4.65 2008 Full Version ( CLICK )

Aplikasi Pencarian File Super Cepat di Windows


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.09 | Posted in

Buat pengguna windows dengan data-data yang super banyak pasti akan sangat kesulitan ketika melakukan pencarian file ataupun data. Karena pada fasilitas pencarian windows ketika menunggu hasilnya kadang harus menunggu sangat lama dan tidak selalu akurat. Dan juga fasilitas yang ada juga sangat terbatas.
Dengan aplikasi LOCATE 32 kita bisa mencari file dengan super cepat di hardisk ataupun location lainnya. Aplikasi LOCATE32 menggunakan database untuk menyimpan struktur dan informasi directory sehingga hasil pencarian bisa didapatkan dengan sangat cepat.
Ketika kita mencari file dengan hanya mengetikkan satu karakter maka akan langsung tampil hasil yang mendekati dengan apa yang kita ketikkan pada setiap karakter, contoh seperti dibawah ini.
Saya mengetikan 3 karakter yaitu : ( “YAH” ) , maka akan langsung tampil hasil-a pada list yang dibawahnya.
Selain itu software gratis yang satu ini juga memiliki banyak kelebihan lainnya. Dan dengan tampilan-a yang sangat sederhana juga ukuran file-a yang sangat kecil membuat aplikasi yang satu ini sepertinya wajib kita miliki

Download Accelerator Plus Final Premium with krack


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.09 | Posted in

About Download Accelerator Plus Final Premium :
Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) will accelerate the speed with which you can receive files over the Internet using FTP and HTTP protocols by simultaneously downloading several file segments from the same or different servers.
Download Accelerator Plus enables you to pause and resume downloads, and to recover from a dropped Internet connection.
In addition, DAP searches for mirrors and implements the downloads from the best or most responsive mirrors. It is configured by default to automatically Integrate into your Explorer or Netscape browser when it is installed, and to self-activate each
time a download is performed.
No further configuration or action is required on your part - simply use your browser to access the desired site, click on the download file, and respond to the self-explanatory DAP dialogs that appear.
Advanced options enable you to tailor the operation and responses of the application to your needs. You can choose to trigger specific responses such as messages, queue update, closing the application, and disconnecting after the download is completed or is not available.
DAP is fully integrated into the browser, providing the best possible performance from ANY Internet connection, broadband and narrowband (cable, DSL / ADSL, T1, dial-up etc.).
DAP will allow you to benefit from a faster and more reliable download experience, optimize your download performance, and help you to recover interrupted downloads. DAP is available in two versions: a Free version (ads. supported) and a Premium version (with a richer set of features and no ads.).
This download is marked as adware because it displays advertisement banners or other type of commercials while running.
WHAT’S NEW IN This Release
· Security check by ZoneAlarm for every site and application you download!
· Tabbed downloading!
· NEW and improved interface!
· New and improved download triggering!
· Automatically open downloaded files!
· Simplified options and updated menus!
Cara Install dan krack :
* Download Software ini seperti biasa dari d60pc website
* Kemudian ekstrak file RAR dengan menggunakan password :
* Lalu install program ini seperti biasa
* Kemudian pada pilihan seperti dibawah ini, pilihlah pada pilihan DAP Package, walaupun pada pilihan disitu anda diharuskan membayar sebesar : $ 49.90 , tapi tidak apa2, karena di d60pc website kita ada krack-a

* Kemudian setelah NEXT, jika ada permintaan untuk mengisi sebuah email di abaikan saja.
* Lalu nanti kita akan menemukan sebuah tampilan dalam penawaran special Offers dari DAP seperti dibawah ini :

* Pada pilihan ini terserah kita mau pilih yang mana
* Jika sudah FINISH dan selesai proses Instalasi-a, sekarang kita gunakan krack untuk mendapatkan Software ini secara Full Version
* Close DAP Premium yang sudah anda install
* Kemudian pada folder : ” krack.d60pc.TEAM “didalamnya ada sebuah file : DAP.exe
* Lalu copykan file DAP.exe kedalam directory : C:\Program Files\DAP dan di replace ( Di timpa )
* Finish, sekarang anda sudah memiliki DAP Final Premium secara Full Version dan sudah bisa menggunakan seluruh options yang ada pada DAP yang sebeluny hanya bisa menggunakan sebahagian saja
Ini ScreenShoot saya yang sudah meng instal DAP Final Premium

- Download Accelerator Plus Final
Pass RAR :
- Download Crak DAP Final Premium
Pass RAR :

Weed Booter V.1.0 - Yahoo Booters


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.09 | Posted in

Weed Booter V.1.0
Multi Login Bot Booter 6 Booting Option
* $$$$ - untuk PM Lagg
* Light - untuk Fast Crash
* Weed - untuk Hard DC
* Smoke - untuk Silent DC
* High - untuk Victim yang menggunakan Client DC
* To High - SEnd everything
* Auto refresh Bot
* Adjustable Settings

Pass RAR :

Jew Got Booted V2 By Expulsion


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.08 | Posted in

Jew Got Booted V2
* 5000 Bot Login
* 10 Boot Option
* Online Checker

Booter ini sangat mudah digunakan dan benar2 ampuh untuk membuat DC target kita

Pass RAR :

Jew Got Booted V2 By Expulsion


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.08 | Posted in

Jew Got Booted V2
* 5000 Bot Login
* 10 Boot Option
* Online Checker

Booter ini sangat mudah digunakan dan benar2 ampuh untuk membuat DC target kita

Pass RAR :

Yahoo Booters - Yahoo Pyre By S3rial Killers


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.07 | Posted in

Salah satu booter dari S3rial Killers yang memiliki / bekerja dengan 32 options serangan seperti boot lagger + Custom Message dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.

Kelebihan booter yang satu ini juga mempunyai menu “Online Checker” untuk melihat status victim ( target ) kita, apakah victim online atau sudah DC, juga terdapat menu “view Victim Profile” utnuk melihat secara langsung Profile vicim kita tanpa perlu membuka browser lagi.

Dan juga booter “Yahoo Pyre By S3rial Killers” ketika kita menggunakan-a tidak menggunakan banyak memory pada PC kita, sehingga tidak memberatkan Computer kita.

Cara Menggunakan Booter ini juga sangat mudah.

Jadi buat siapa yang pengen iseng2in teman2nya di Yahoo Messenger gunakan saja Program ini :

Pass RAR :

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Plus Patch 6 Full Version


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.07 | Posted in

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Plus Patch 6 bisa baca dibawah ini :
McAfee® VirusScan® Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs. McAfee® VirusScan® 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers. This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today’s threats-including buffer - overflow exploits and blended attacks - and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® or ProtectionPilot™ for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.
  • Integrated firewall and IPS technology - Addition of firewall and intrusion prevention technology delivers maximum proactive protection in a single, integrated package
  • Enhanced coverage for emerging threats - VirusScan provides protection from the newest potentially unwanted program security threats (e.g., spyware), application-specific buffer overflow attacks, and blended attacks
  • Lowered TCO during outbreak response – Advanced outbreak functionality closes the window of vulnerability before DAT files are available, limiting damage by blocking the entrance and spread of the outbreak
  • McAfee scanning technology – Award-winning McAfee scan engine performs in-memory scanning to block threats such as Netsky and CodeRed, which don’t write their code to disk
  • Centralized management and reporting – Integration with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator and ProtectionPilot provides a complete security management solution, including detailed graphical reporting, from a single console
Product Features :
  • Comprehensive McAfee anti-virus protection
  • Potentially unwanted program security
  • Buffer overflow prevention (IPS feature)
  • Complete outbreak response
  • Port blocking/lockdown (firewall feature)
  • Application monitoring: email engines (firewall feature)
  • File blocking, directory lockdown, folder/share blocking (IPS feature)
  • Infection trace and block
  • Powerful memory scanning
  • Centralized management and reporting
  • Enhanced email scanning
  • Protection from threats that use scripts
  • Optimized for mobile users
Atau jika anda ingin mencoba Software Anti virus yang lain bisa juga mencoba menggunakan AVG Anti Virus Internet Security 8 secara Full Version DISINI

Pass File RAR :

Edit PDF with Foxit PDF Editor v2.0 - Full Version


Posted by ronald | Posted on 15.06 | Posted in

Foxit PDF Editor - The first and still the only REAL editor for PDF files, allows you to easily and efficiently change contents in any existing PDF files.
Have you ever faced one of the following challenges?
- You are ready to print out a PDF file, and suddenly find some typos.
- You want to fill out a PDF form electronically, but realize it is non-fillable.
- You receive a PDF file from your colleague and want to make some changes before forwarding it to others.
- You want to consolidate several PDF report files into a single PDF document.
Now, with Foxit PDF Editor, you can easily meet the above challenges. Foxit PDF Editor is the only real PDF editor. Unlike other so-called “PDF Editor”, which only works with notes or limited page contents, Foxit PDF Editor allows you to modify any page contents within any PDF document. You can select, insert, change, remove, rotate, copy and paste texts, images and graphics. You can insert, import, delete pages or design page layout. After you finish editing, you can print out the result PDF file or save it to overwrite the original file or create a new file. To find out more details about the actions Foxit Editor enables you to perform on a PDF file, please click on the following links:
  • Open, View and Save PDF Files
  • Insert, Remove and Modify PDF Pages
  • Select, Modify and Delete Page Objects
Key Benefits
* Modifies any contents of any PDF file
* Edits document intuitively, in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get way
* Requires no inside knowledge of PDF file format
* Displays PDF file fast and perfectly
* Presents a simple and neat user interface
* Packs in a small downloadable package
* Occupies small hard disk space after installation
* Supports multi-language PDF content
* Is affordable
What’s New in Version 2.0?
Version 2.0 has introduced many new features and improvement as below:
* New Toolbars:: Toolbars have been renovated thoroughly. New buttons for many functions have been added to the toolbars. These toolbars look professional and will greatly increase users’ productivity.
* Improved Status Bar: Now, users can specify page number or zooming factor in status bar.
* Floating Property List: Newly-designed property list can be dragged anywhere in the screen and hid or shown anytime. This allows users to view any part of a page. Users will be able to modify object properties and see the changes come to effect instantly. In addition, special setting dialogs can be invoked for users to change complex settings, such as colors setting, clipping setting and dashing line setting.
* Default Settings: Version 2.0 allows a user to specify default settings of parameters and behaviors inside Edit/Option dialog.
* Drag Action: In previous versions, a user has to explicitly enter values to specify many parameters. Now with Version 2.0, a user can use a mouse to drag the control points of an object to manipulate it and set the parameter implicitly. For instance, a user can drag the control point of a text object to resize it.
* Flexible Image Editor: Users may double click on an image to enter the image editor.
o Several new tools have been added to image editor, including Magic Wand tool, Polygonal Lasso tool and Layer tool.
o Other tools have been improved, including Selection tool, Dodge tool and Burn tool.
o In previous versions, users can only undo or redo the latest action in Image Editor. This new version allows users to Undo/Redo multiple steps, as long as the program doesn’t reach the memory limit of the PC.
o With Version 2.0, a user can edit images from multiple PDF files at the same time which is impossible in previous versions. The user can copy and paste image areas across different files.
o Several short-cut keys have been added to speed up image operations.
* Intuitive Graphics and Clipping Editor: In previous versions, graphics and clipping path are edited in separate small dialogs which do not show the PDF page content behind the path. This is very unintuitive. Version 2.0 allows users to edit them in the main window, with bigger and consistent view showing the PDF content behind them.
* Intuitive Layout Editor: In previous versions, layout is edited in a separate small dialog. Version 2.0 allows users to edit it in the main window, with a bigger and consistent view.
* Editing Encrypted PDF: Version 2.0 allows users to read and edit encrypted PDF files, which is a new and useful feature.
* Improved In-place Editing: Version 2.0 enables users to add or delete text easily and quickly. You can double-click on a selected text object to enter the in-place editing mode, then move your mouse cursor directly to the proper place where you’d like to edit.
* Extensibility: Version 2.0 adopts a new framework consolidating different function modules and allowing for future extension to add more modules, e.g. form design module.
* Extensibility: Version 2.0 adopts a new framework consolidating different function modules and allowing for future extension to add more modules, e.g. form design module.
* Bug fixes and much more.
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